Sunday, May 6, 2007

Snail Awareness

I have been strugling to make my garden look nice and at least close to my neighbours' standards, but ...I must admit this is not an easy task. There are several things to consider, of course: 1. I am a total beginner in gardening. 2. I have limited time to dedicate to it. 3. The garden was passed on to us on a messy state. 4. Last, not not least, there are snails working against me! They have been eating the existing flowers and the new ones I plant. So, it is a bit frustrating and a bit discouraging...Anyway, I am trying to set some traps to get them and let's see if this will diminish their destruction.
Apart from that, I am having troubles with the sunflowers I carefully planted in Skogsveien. The biggest flowers are dying and this makes me very sad. I am waiting to see if the new buds will survive nicely though, before I take more drastic measures. I would love to hear some opinion about possible causes from experts. So, if anybody knows what the possible cause can be, I would very much appreciate to receive an email about it.
The strawberries are doing fine so far, though. They are grwoing strong and promissing.
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day and I spent some time weeding and preparing the flower beds to receive new commers. Pictures follow below.

1 comment:

magali said...

Oi Rose,Gostei muito da sua foto em frente a casinha do Jardim 30!! Vc está muito Gisele Bundchen. Gostei muito da pose. Isso mesmo, solta a franga! Com relação as plantas, sugiro a vc pesquisar por plantas mais resistentes a insetos...que vc não terá muito problemas. Flores geralmente requer muitos remédios para mante-las. Tem folhagens lindissimas e não dão trabalho. Continue fazendo as poses de modelo. Muito bom! bjs. Meg